Just recently I was watching some show about some guys traveling the U.S doing some outrageous stuff. These outrageous things consisted of helping a lady into labor while having a baby, learning how to krump dance, spend a night in jail, amongst other things. Come to find out that this show was about these guys who composed a "Bucket List". So being the open minded dude that I am, I said to myself.."hmmm that looks interesting, maybe I should make one too".So you can probably guess what this bucket list is about huh :-) But here's the caught I wanna do all these things..by the time im 30 years old.
Bucket list- (n)- a list composed of the things you want to do before your die.
As you can see the definition speak for itself. I believe in all of our cases Life is short and every minute we need to be making the best of it and not sitting around doing nothing ( unless we have a family or other major responsibilities). Being 25 years old I have been fortunate enough to experience alot of great things in my life..some of the things I still cant believe I have done. But there is still more I want to do. So here I have composed my own Top 20 Bucket List...Most of these reasons are self-explanatory so its no need to give a description of why.
- Get A Car : self-explanitory
- Get My BJJ Purple Belt : it will showcase my near 6 years of dedication to the art.Because GOD Damit I deserve it !!! :-)
- Climb The Rocky Mountains : self-explanitory
- Learn to Play An Acoustic Guitar : as of late Ive been listening to a lot of music from guys like Dave Matthews, Boyce Avenue, Duncan Sheik. -etc- something about that tune just seems awesome and i want to learn it.
- Visit many States in the U.S as possible (especially Colorado & Pennsylvania): To quote Sora from Kingdom of Hearts. " There are many worlds out there and I wanna see them all !"
- Reunion with the USC MaST 03 Crew: would be great to see the original peeps again. I know everyone is busy with their own personal lives and stuff but shit more years is to long to wait to see you guys.
- Get a Job : self-explanatory
- Go to a Live Concert : them things seem so exciting when you see them on TV. So why not join the fun
- One Day Finally Forgive some people in life (bury the hatchet) : not that I'm an angry person just that some people in my life are not worth my time at the moment. maybe one day...I will give them that time.
- Spend the Night in Alcatraz Prison: ---don't ask--- :-)
- Do 1 more Judo tournament: Been over 3 years since Ive done one. It would be nice to see where my stand up throws is at.
- Meet Everyone on my facebook friend list ( the ones I haven't meet yet) : self-explanatory
- Become a better photographer: self-explanatory
- Do A Mud Run
- Ride a Dolphin
- Attend a live taping of a Steve Wilkos or Maury Show : to see the disturbing buffoonery first hand.
- Attend a Daytona 500 event
- Get my Master Degree
- Sky Dive
- Make a difference in someones life: If i havent done so already.