I know a lot of people have been surprised by the current post I just posted (especially those that saw me this week) but to get right down to the point Yes 5 hours ago I just had surgery and boy am I in pain!!! :-/ To describe the experience it was the worst ever.Due to the fact (it was local) I was awake while they did it, so u probably guess how it felt. Anyway I know a lot of people have been asking why I had to have surgery. So instead of answering everyone individually I decided to explain it in this blog.
Reason: The surgery had nothing to do with tattoo removal, staph infection, or anything training related. 2 years ago I noticed these 2 large lumps on the side of my chest. At first I figured they were just extra nipples & really didm’t pay them any attention. However as of late them same “nipples” having being causing me a lot of pain as of late (stabbing pain to be exact). Then I felt them and notice something was under them.which had me getting a bad vibe. So I went to the doctor to have them check out.
After two doctor visits the doctor could not give me an explanation as to what it was so…They decided to remove them.After 20 minutes of excruciating pain. Come to find out that they were tumors underneath my chest that whole time. YIKES!!!!
There are still more details to this story that I will not get into but the important thing is This ordeal is over.Right now i kinda feeling a lil bumbed out over the whole thing cause in all this may not be the "last" surgery i have to go through. But hey it is what is I guess.
As far as when i will be back to training the good news is I will be back in 2 weeks at most. As far as competing is concerned well that may never happen again unfortunately.
Anyway thank you all ( the people that showed concern) for you thoughts and concern over the situation it is really appreciated.