Thursday, December 30, 2010
2011: The Year of Action

Monday, December 20, 2010
My Thoughts- Arrival of Cobrinah

This picture was taken over a year ago when I went to go train with Ruben “Cobrinah” Charles at the Stronghold academy in San Diego, Ca. It kind of unreal that he is moving and starting an academy out here in my city (yeah I thought you knew I Run LA :-) ). With all of the stuff that is been going on as of late in regards to me (shit talk whether it true or false) and with one of my favorite bjj players moving out here to start a school ( especially with everyone having mixed feelings about the whole idea). I decided to give my own opinion about the whole Cobrinah starting a school out here.
This blog is not going to bash cobrinah because for one he one of the few Brazilian bjj players I look up too and I ain’t with that punk online dissing shit. However what amazes me is the people who jump the gun and talk about his coming so negatively and the people who are leaving their academies to join. I know sounds a little bit bipolar but let me explain.
For those that talk negatively about his academy, I know a lot of people are skeptic over this new arrival especially after the Leo incident 3 years ago, however as the old saying goes. Unless your contemplating joining..who the fuck cares !!!! It crazy how jiu-jitsu t has gone from being more worried about someone else progression instead of their own . People that bash other people for joining ( especially when they didnt like them in the first place), what is it to you...how is someones leaving or cobrinah academy coming to la affecting your progression ..Let me answer that 4 you NONE WHAT SO FUCKING EVER !!! so as the jailbird rapper T.I would say " Keep your mind on your grind and off mines". Yes it may be frightening because Cobrinah may be stealing guys from academies but the way I see it is hey..one less guy gone the more possible attention I get from the instructor.
When it comes people leaving their academies to join, I only have one thing to say..only leave your academy becauase you are unhappy with you current situation (whether it is money, problems with other teammates, and just you feel your not growing) but if your leave because you see a better situation in front of you “you are an ungrateful ( fill in the blank)” and I have no respect for you. That’s like being with your wife 30 years and you see a hot chick walking by n ditch your wife for a new piece of ass..why risk it when you got something going so good (your continual growth at your academy & your friendships). Why go into a situation that you have no clue what your getting into. In all it’s stupid !!!!
In terms of my opinion on it all i have to say is this It could be one of the best school in the area or the biggest flop.. Its all in Cobrinah hands how the school will turn out.
I could say a whole lot more on this matter but I'm gonna leave it at that and for those that keep asking me pleaseeee stop asking me am I joining. At this time I’m not in any mood to train at any academy right now. I’m working and trying to finish off the year with a great OTM article with a overseas sensation.
Anyway I’ll end this blog by saying Happy Holidays
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