Putting all pride aside the reason I believe the sport of BJJ wont be in the Olympics is because of one main reason there is not separation. By separation I mean there is no separation in countries as far as Best of the USA, Best of Japan, Best of Brazil -etc- -etc-

Example: When you go to see the Mundials (BJJ Worlds) 98 % of the black belts that are on the podium are Brazilian. (as matter of fact the only non-Brazilian Ive seen on the podium consistently is Lovato Jr.)Same boring semi-final and final matches that we have seen countless of times..what is the point of wasting $ and time making it an Olympic sport.
However there is always hope. For this sport to make this happen first we gotta break way from that corrupt organization known as the IBJJF. It is making the sport watered down and after all the incidents with poor scoring, favoritism, poor treatment of athletes and other stuff we don't need that thorn in our back any longer.
Secondly there need to be more promotion of athletes from other countries. I know there are alot of great Brazilian BJJ fighters that we all aspire to be. Shoot i trained under one of them. However if other great black belts for the other countries don't get same attention (even from their own providence) then what the point in going fwd with Olympic aspirations.
Third there has to be a hierarchy that exceeds the mundials to have particiapants strive for higher standards and goals.
Sample Structure: like pan ams-worlds- another event- trials (team and Olympic)- and so forth.
don't wanna go to deep but in a nutshell.. BJJ we still have some growing to do. ALOT OF GROWING !!!
personally the next best sport that has a chance of getting into the olympics is Sambo...just saying.