On March 30 2013 at the Xande Ribeiro's BJJ academy (my training facility) I hosted a grapple-a-thon event in an effort to raise money for the family of my friend Rustle Laidman who passed over a month ago. Planning the event was last minute and with all the weekly articles, regulard work, and other things going on I can truly say it was a tough challenge for me planning the event.
I was super nervous going into the event for various reason. Will alot of people come, will there be any problems on the mat between people, amongst other outside concerns...but like my past tournament expereinces my nervousness quickly deteriorted as time moved along.
Originally and from a financial standpoint the event was just a way to raise money..however as the event was at its begining stages looking at the various people over 30 people (from different gyms) interacting on the mat with each other...I thought to myself "hmm this may turn into something bigger".
As everyone lined up the bossman xande said his few words then I said my open speech.
Although looking back at it I thought the speech was kind of corney -lol- to sum it up it really was from the heart and reflected what I learned these past month which mainly talked about the people you meet help you grow no matter what your goals are.
In terms of the atmosphere itself it was REALLY something to be apart off and wayyy exceeded my original vision and expectations. Great training, No-Ego, Learning Something, and Having a great time all while helping for a good cause.
It was almost a mirror image of what it was like years ago at the CSULA BJJ open mat....A Place of Fun and Learning.
Even after the event everyone walked away from the event with something. Some people won gifts but most importantly made new friends along the way ( i saw some of the facebook adds and comments amongst the participants) so I guess my corny speech worked in some way.-haha-
In terms of the feedback afterwards I got alot of great reviews. Originally this was going be the only one I do. However I have decided that. .....there will be another Grapple-a-thon event in the near future !!!! (maybe in June or July)
My rough draft idea at this time is to do a charity event raising money for a group of people or individual every 3 months that needs help that is in our martial arts community ( off course I am open for ideas). One thing I learned about my trip from Denver is the value of helping others and although we sometimes get verrry distracted with drama and other BS going on...I think it can be really beneficial for not only someone in need but also for yourself because you can gain alot out of it.
In closing I want to ask.......... "How Do You Really Want to Take a Stand ?"
you can standout with your pick-it signs giving negativity attention it actually wants or put it down and show those lames what this community is all about bring some light in dark circumstances.
I know what I want to do.
also in terms of how i was able to complete my 120 minute challenge..well if u read my tournament blog u should know how i was able to do that ;-)