Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Deal Revealed -(Fresh New Start)
Ever since this month began Ive been talking about me finally signing up with a gym and i am happy to say it has finally happened. Took me awhile to think positive going into the situation,reflect, and actually man up n do it. All i ever want to do in jj is grow and b happy. Never wanted to be a world champion..all i ever wanted was to grow and be in a positive atmosphere that allows me to do that and well i think its time for me to do that.
also not to sound negative but I will say this..if this does not work in the long run..i am making this announcement right now...I WILL NEVER JOIN A ACADEMY IN THE SO CAL AREA AGAIN.but I'm going to be positive about this new venture (so 4get i said that -lol-).
anyway without further delay this is who i will be training with starting Jan 3rd...
Saturday, December 10, 2011
L.W.N-(Like, Want,Need)

Saturday, November 5, 2011
No-Gi Mundial Moments ( The Great, The Strange, & The WTF)

1.Losing a beat to a friend and buying him a Acai bowel :-/
2. Rafael Lovato’s speech after his victory- it goes to show you no matter if you train with a world champion or not. As long as you work hard you can do anything in life. Guess that’s why he is one of my favorite Black belts.
3. Bumping pass a couple of black belts including a world champion to say wsup to a friend- not something to be proud of but hey I did say Excuses me 5 times before doing it.
4. Seeing old friends from way back in the days- great to see people still remember back when i was competiting.
5. Hanging out with the Mighty Tom Barlow- coolest dude u will ever meet
6. Mean stares I was getting from people whose names I won’t meant. (dang didn’t know I was disliked in the jj community now)
7. Meeting some people I did articles on ( James Brasco, Erik Anderson, amongst others)- great to see the people I did articles on are not only great competitor but also great people.
8. Try to talk to my BJJ crush (female) but didn’t look like she was interested.
9. Brandon Mullins post victory speech- USA f*** yeah !!!
10.Jeff Glover running into 3 people he knows at the exact same time-( me, kyle koeign, and tom barlow)
i sure there were a bunch of other stuff..but this is why im keeping it short
Friday, September 30, 2011
What Now

In terms of where Im at right now. I mostly on focus on building a better life for myself(not to say mines is horrible). Getting a job, being more positive, and continue helping out hard working people in grappling/mma community with my writing (i think that the only thing that makes me happy now adays when it comes to being in this sport ).
As for my training, yes i still train (on occasion) cuz i can never leave the mat cold turkey. However it will be awhile b4 i fully take it seriously again. For now it just about keeping active and oh course learning new stuff.
note: new construction of the montajourney blog is in the work !!!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
9/11 Blog

Speaking of "the end" it what leads my to this blog. 10 years ago marked a very tragic day in our country,Wow how times flies..show how life has passed us by so quickly.For those of you that were around I know you all have your stories of where u were that day. I know where i was, i was at school along with my other classmates thinking the world was gonna end or it was going to be a world war 3...scary and sad time for everyone.
When i look at this tragedy)..I look at how precious life is n how it can end in an heartbeat. As my pal Devon Redmon said When we put our lives in perspective, we can learn to appreciate even the negative things we go through.
cuz nothing amounts to the pain and loss so many people went through that day. (that doesn't included the thousands of brave soldiers that lost their lives in battle for the past 10 years). Because after a decade the suffereing of a child losing this parent, mother/father losing their child..that will never end for them...sadness even me thinking about it.
What I am trying to say as this day comes to an end. Don't let this be the only day you pay respect or reflect. Always value life and those around you and never 4got the REAL HEROES (not your favorite bjj gold medalist or that cool rapper on tv) that put it on the line every single day (soldiers, you parents u kids out there, fire fighters, and yes even the police).
LIFE and the people in your life- LEARN TO VALUE IT.
I would like to end this blog by saying I pay my respects to everyone that lost their lives that day & the soldiers that lost their lives in the past 10 years. Your cause and sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Respect Card

When it comes to training with particular people..I can honestly admit I can be kinda bipolar sometimes. There a great amount of people who that i trained with over the years the I have a high respect for and when I go into training session/sparring session i go in with that intention..to train ( push myself and in term push the individual I'm training with).Then their that small percentage were i just wanna pull their H** card (if u know what i mean). -i have my reasons- :-/
In life your are gonna come in contact with many people. Some will you become peeps with instantly, some it may take some time to build, and their are some that will just get under your skin ( without them even knowing it), and some as times progress throug your friendship bridges will be burned causing complete chaos. So where does all this stem from simple -such things as someone did you wrong, clash of personalities, or the person resembles something that you cant stand due to your own past life experience.
Overall what I'm trying to say is this. This blog is not meant to say "We Must ALL Respect One Another" fuck that..if that were the case there would be peace in the world. However it is meant to enlighten people why people have conflicts with one another.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
No Younger
Anyway what I'm trying to say is this... As we get old we sometimes realize time has certainly passed us by looking back on all the memories like sand running through an hour glass.
In other words we have no time to waste in life being bitter and stuck up.We should be living life to the fullest and be appreciative of the people and things we have done .Sort of like what i did with my trip to San Jose ( which btw was totally cool) and all the other experiences i have done in life and will continue to do.
Because hey i ain't getting no younger.
p.s- special thanks to all my peeps down at San Jose for all the help you given me while i was down there. It means allot to me more than u ever know....and I SHALL RETURN !!!! :-)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Why Steriods Will Continue in BJJ :-(

Friday, February 18, 2011
Competitor Type

Types of People that compete
Ex: Look at guys like JT Torres he realizes what it takes to be a world champion. he understands the sacrifices and the hard work he has to put in to do it. In others words he is goal oriented.
Fighters- those are people who just love to fight or compete. It can be because they are ego driven guys who just want to smash people or people who just love putting their skills to the test in battle. Combatants is what i like to call them.
Ex: competition teams like paragon (my academy), C-Quence , and Alliance are solely competition teams schools where competitors compete anywhere between 3 to 4 times a month.
Martial arts lovers- These are people who although they have don't have any specific goals, Just love to experience what the sport has to offer. They want to add to their experience and things to look back in their stay in martial arts.
Ex: Guys like myself ( at least back in the days when i use to compete) just like to get out there and have an experience.
Other- people who fall under this category are simply kids, teens who either need have a focus in life or as a hobby to keep themselves active.
As for those who don't compete it doesn't mean they are weak, pussy or scared, they just have no interest in competing. Some of the best guys that I've trained with are people that don't compete. The reason may be they have other focuses in life ( work,family, -etc-) or just don't show interest in competing. It should be no pressure for that person to do so.
In all the purpose of this blog is just to show you what type of people you see gracing the competition mats. In all whether you have goals in the sport or not the main things you want to remember is to have fun and enjoy your experiences in the game.Sure you have some hard instructors who may stone you 4 the way u did in competition or you may have a bad experience here and there..but the main goals it to have fun.
Fernando Terre said in a recent interview that if competition is not fun then don't do it.
Set your own pathway you wish to pursue and Enjoy the ride !!!!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Ideas for the Website

A lot of times in bjj you hear the same stories of top bjj stars over and over again. This person won worlds for the 27th time. Exclusive interview about this top bjj guy for the 100th time. In other words it becomes repetitive and sometimes boring. So i decided when I started writing i wanted to do something different and write about people who are trying to get to the top in some fashion that people need to read about. There are alot of great and talented people out there in bjj land ( I should know since i study the underground scene) and its a shame that their story of blood, sweat,tears, and sometimes achievements are overlooked by someone else. So what better way to help them out by giving them some exposure.
The way i choose the people to write about is simple........
1. Your attitude toward the sport- you have to have a love for the sport. I tend to stay away from "know it alls", douchbags, and people falling into similar categories. I like to write about people who have a lot of drive, passion, and most of all having something going for themselves. Mainly because I can get the best answers out of them.
2. what separates you from other people- I won this medal (SO WHAT) I'm a bad ass in bjj (SO WHAT).I am the next big thing ( SO WHAT)..IMO none of that is interesting because they're are a million people that think and have done/thought the same thing. I like writing stories about people who have a story to tell. People who can give me a story of how they got from point A to point B and beyond and draw people into their life almost.
3. Personality is also a big trait to have
You have to remember folks I dont get paid to do this. So in other word Im pretty much helping people out of the kindess of my heart. Thats why I dont just write about anybody or anything.
Especially since I dont get paid to do this.
In all its about can you attract the audience because at the end of the day don't blame me if no one finds you interesting.
The End