When it comes to training with particular people..I can honestly admit I can be kinda bipolar sometimes. There a great amount of people who that i trained with over the years the I have a high respect for and when I go into training session/sparring session i go in with that intention..to train ( push myself and in term push the individual I'm training with).Then their that small percentage were i just wanna pull their H** card (if u know what i mean). -i have my reasons- :-/
In life your are gonna come in contact with many people. Some will you become peeps with instantly, some it may take some time to build, and their are some that will just get under your skin ( without them even knowing it), and some as times progress throug your friendship bridges will be burned causing complete chaos. So where does all this stem from simple -such things as someone did you wrong, clash of personalities, or the person resembles something that you cant stand due to your own past life experience.
Overall what I'm trying to say is this. This blog is not meant to say "We Must ALL Respect One Another" fuck that..if that were the case there would be peace in the world. However it is meant to enlighten people why people have conflicts with one another.
hard to put a finger on it sometimes, but occasionally just the way a guy rolls or the way he does things on the mat will bug me. can't really articulate what it is....but something just rubs me the wrong way. i've wondered before how i roll/how it's perceived by others as well.