I remember awhile ago when i was developing my game after each class i would always conjure up thoughts in my head to figure out a way to do things better. In an effort to improve i would look at 1 or 2 techniques in a book or online that best fits my style.. Then i would go over the technique 50x in my head..thinking of everything from the set up to the troubleshooting issue i may run into. Flash forward i would step on the mat and the technique would work perfect ( with constant repetition while trying the technique out while sparring.) and WA LA u have self drilling.
Here is the thing folks I am a firm believe in self-development. Yes we all belong to a team but at the end of the day our primary goal is to make ourselves grow. Self-drilling is a way IMO to not only develop a responsibility of analyzing your game but also in a way be your own teacher outside of practice because of course your instructor and training partners are not with u 24/7.
In my final thoughts whether u r a Wrestler, Judoka, Submission Grappler, or even a MMA fighter..here r some steps to help you through this self-drilling process...........
1. Figure out what u want to develop in your game
example- if ur a wrestler and like to go 4 single leg. develop some way to step up the single leg or even building off when you catch the single.
2. look for a technique or moves that is directed toward your overall game - ( some people mistake this and want to learn something outside the box that has nothing to do with their game..build your blocks and focus on adding on to what your already have).
3. ask yourself some troubling shooting questions what if (going over scenarios to figure out will this move your about to drill actually work and by what percentage).
4. drill the move 50 x in your head ( visualization)
5. Optional: drill the move 5 x on a partner- ( if u do this after going over the move 50 times n your head u will c the difference in your understanding of the move).
6. Put it to action in your training.
Hopefully this format helps you in your progression.
until next time
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