Sunday, December 2, 2012

Return to Writing- ( New Features & Changes)

Next month I will make my return to writing articles. The time off has been great so far  and if you been keeping up with what I been doing it has been an amazing journey. Time-off has allowed me to do many things such as practice my writing skills, read, meet people I did articles on, and also build myself as an individual. All of these things have helped in my return. Looking back on the past 2 years as a writer I have made a lot of great decisions and also made some bad choices. In an effort to correct those mistakes and make my good decisions greater I have set out a list of standards for myself  .

In this blog I will be going over the new features and changes I will be doing as a writer when it comes to doing interviews. The new changes will ensure everyone is given an equal chance, I can maintain a gradual pace without getting burnt out, and other aspects of the spectrum.

First the New Features

1.       Military Spotlight will now happen once a month- this has been my most favorite part being a writer. Although it cools giving props to our favorite bjj/mma fighter I think it’s important we give these people the respect they deserve for their ultimate commitment.

Note: all articles must go under the military spotlight title. So for example Colton Smith was titled fighters heart while Jason Norwood was military spotlight. In other words  two military personal are game for being feature in the same month.

2.       Phone Call Intros- Slack off on this in the past and sadly I know a lot of people have classified me as a mystery man helping people (until you meet me)  but not anymore. The call is just a standard greeting to help me get a vibe of who im doing the article on while also them knowing who I am... questions will still be sent via e-mail.

3.       Self-Request – people are now allowed to put in a request to do an article on themselves. However MAKE SURE YOU BRING IT!!! NO BS. I don’t care about your medals or how many people you KO’d I want to know what makes u..YOU

4.       Open Inbox- my page now has given me an inbox so u are now open to send me any request, name drops, questions or concerns. or feel free to email me at

5.       Full Stories!! (No MORE Q & A interviews on people)- I have been given small complaints about this in the past about how I given full story to some people while some have gotten q & a …well this will happen no longer. Everyone will get the opportunity to tell their story. It’s time I step up and pledge 100 % to Note: depending on the matter Q &A articles may pop up at times in regards to product reviews or upcoming events.

6.       Interviewee’s Choice- Continuing where # 6 left off the person being interviewed now has the floor to request what the article will center on.. after all it is YOUR STORY.

Now the not so fun part…….. Restrictions/ Changes

1.       4-5 articles Per Month Limit- In the past I have done 6-8 articles per month. I have decided to chop it down to 4 the minimum and 5 the max. This new implication is more to help me maintain a flow without getting burnt out and generate more focus on one person at a time.

2.       8 Month Gap Clause- For those that I have done 2 or more articles on you will now have to wait 8 months until I do another article on you (unless you are making a major transition  in your life/career). I can’t do a new article every time you have a fight (there are other ways I can support you off course) because while I’m doing a 4th and 5th article on you There is another hungry unnoticed talent that may need my help. EQUAL OPPORUNITY!!

Ex: Brent Primus I have done an article on him once a year  (2 articles total) so he is still game for a future article….while if I have done an article on you in 3-5 month period in the same year. You have to wait a bit just to see where you are at in your career.

3.       14 days courtesy notification- Note all articles do NOT have a time limit however I had many problems where people have not keep me up to date or don’t say anything to me about the status of the answers. Some end up not giving them to me at all while some have even submitted them a month later while I’m already working on other people’s article and even on vaca. Depending on whom you are and interaction with you. If you don’t give me a status update after 14 days don’t bother turning in your answers. It unfair to me and addition to the people that I am writing on.

Note: This rule may sound confusing so if u has any questions please e-mail me or comment!!

4.       No  Disrespect- although I had minor incidents concerning this issue the one’s I had really made me feel upset and regret doing the article on them. SO any sign of disrespect toward me as a writer before, during, or after the article phase your article will be deleted. (and u might get called out 4 being a a-hole)

Note: if you want to hear some stories feel free to ask I have some crazy ones.

Well folks these are the new features and rules. Hopefully they aren’t to major. And once again if you have any questions or concerns feel free to hit me up.


p.s- Also just know with my return to competition it will not affect my article writing in any way. Already set 3-4 tournament plan for next year. So in other words my writing is being put FIRST because after all if it wasn’t 4 the people I write about I wouldn’t be able to compete.

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