Stepping out of the box I found myself going into a tournament called the KO Finisher. A event I like to call a man's man competition it wasn't your typical point style format games as the objective to secure victory was pretty simple. Submit Your Opponent with the sure possibility of going against multiple competitors in one day. Knowing the rules I got the impression that this was going to be a grueling and maybe dangerous tournament I was entering. Days leading up to the event especially when I was on my way to Anaheim to compete, my anxiety/stress level was at an all time HIGH which reason could only be.. wanting to live up to my expectations in terms of my performance but also just concern for safety for me and my opponents. Nevertheless finally understanding how my nerves work after all these years that only meant I truly cared about being there so I could only go in with the hopes that all my wishes come true.
The tournament started on time which I can say was rare compared to other events I been to although I had to wake up 7am in the morning to make it to weigh ins on time. Nevertheless once I was at mat side nothing felt better knowing I was about to go through a tough yet great challenge to make myself better. The day started off with my division which include me, Phil from the BJJ Club, and Mike from Ralph Gracie Chino Hills. Oddly enough before I could even step on the mat to compete something happened. For the first time ever (which is something I never do) me and my opponents had friendly conversation amongst ourselves before we competed. I must say it was mighty strange doing that shit knowing when the time comes to compete they wouldn't hesitate to take my fuck'n limbs off or put me to sleep. But hey I guess maybe I had grown up a bit since my " the opponent is my enemy" mind frame I had back in 2005, a mutual respect amongst men for what we are about to do, or both theories combined so I just took it for what is was worth (being in the moment sorta speak).
The fights were great and was a collection of some of the toughest opponents I ever fought . If you saw the fights you can tell we all wanted to be there because the first round robin rounds ended in a 3 way draw between me and my two gamed opponents. The next round robin threw an interesting twist (something I didn't know about originally) which found me and Phil fighting to go to the finals against Mike. The fight went the full distance with me winning the match by ref decision for being the most aggressive fighter. Man did I feel great about going to the finals but more so I was just grateful to have a great opponent in Phil making me work hard for the win.
Here I am Mr. Monta Wiley my first time in the finals as a purple belt in a Submission only event with all spectator eyes watching wondering what the epic conclusion would be in the 150 below Purple belt final match. To say I was in the moment was an understatement as a matter of fact I was the MOMENT (if that makes any since) because it truly defined me taking everything in as if life situations on the outside didn't exist.
The match started off well with me setting up bottom game leg locks submissions and Darce chokes . Unfortunately Mike was on point defending everything which eventually lead me to me getting submitted 3 minutes into the round crowning him the KO Finisher Champion. Losing in the finals was by no means a devastating feeling for me because like anything in life things don't always go the way we want. In all honesty when it comes to losing a match I prefer to have lost the way I did because it shows even at my "BEST" I'm not perfect, i'm willing to face shortcomings, learn, and grow from it. Also to the credit of the champ it showed my opponent gave me everything he had to beat me which I have the upmost respect for.
The great thing about this fight was even in victory Mike was a class act as he gave me great words of respect on the mat right after his hand was raised something I never really got from any of my past opponents which really meant a lot to me.
Walking off the mat in the finals was an incredible feeling for me as it seemed like I gained a lot more than I expected which gave me a sense of peace and strength in my heart for various reasons.
So this is where I normally end the blog however my day wasn't done...............
With a second place finish already under my notch I thought to myself why not make the best of my experience and enter the absolute division.. after all I've had nothing to lose ( for the record my buddy Richard Semides encouraged me to do it also and he had a bag full of reasons including the keys to the car so I was strongly encouraged -haha-) . Going into the open division as 133 pounder one would ask what was I thinking going against guys 50 to 70 pounds on me ? and to be honest I wasn't thinking at all which was a good thing but reflecting back on it the answer could only have been deep down I was just curious of the knowledge I was going to get afterwards :-)
Going through the process of fighting Jimmy Fredrich who fought in ADCC ( I got submitted in that match) , surviving an onslaught war against Ahmadi from Ralph Gracie SF (draw match), and closing the day in my last match (doing something I was scared to do) fight a friend in the form of Zachary Earle which turned out to be a blast (that match went to a draw) there were so many emotions carried with me into each fight which I can say I used to my advantage to perform at my best offensively and defensively .I can honestly say looking back I'm glad I did the open weight division and would probably be crazy enough to do it again (submission only style).
In all competing at the KO Finisher I felt so ALIVE on the mat giving it everything I had against liked minded competitors which probably explained the friendships and respect amongst everyone (especially the purple belt division) I saw after most of the matches. Lastly for the first time ever I finally understood what it meant to have FUN which is something I always wanted to feel for a very long time but couldn't cause of things I carried with me into competition in the past...
I cant wait for the next one ( I don't care where it takes place I will be there) !!!
Until then all I can do is keeping training, work hard toward my goal ( u all know what that is) and enjoy the journey.
1 % better
monta ( pronounced like Monday with a T replacing the D)