Optimus BJJ
31151 Niguel Rd.
Laguna Niguel, California 92677
Date: March 22 2014
Time: 1:30 pm- until everyone leaves
What is a Grapplethon : At Grapplethon it is set up like an open mat 180 minute ( 3 Hour) rolling session. The rolls will be 6 minutes each (timer style) so at the end of the day you will get 30 rolls of great training while also hopefully meeting new friends in the process while supporting a great cause
What is the Cause : This event we will be supporting one of our very own from the southern California JJ community. A BJJ Blue Name Dana Moore here is a summary of his story.
DanaMoore is a blue belt under Professor Grant Collins (Optimus Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy) in Laguna Niguel. Dana began his journey in BJJ a couple of years ago and instantly fell in love with the sport. He started teaching kids classes at Optimus and dedicated most of his time to training and teaching others. He was in a construction related accident approximately 2 months ago after taking a new job down in San Diego. After being at his job for only a couple of weeks he was struck in the back by a drill pipe fracturing both the T6 & T7 vertebrae and spinal cord trauma. Currently he is paralyzed from the rib-cage down. He was recently approved to attend a VIP Neuro- rehabilitation center, an intensive rehab center dedicated to improving the brain to muscle synapse/connection
Dana is a very active young guy who is determined to improve his condition everyday through hard work and perseverance. He has a girlfriend, two sisters, mother and Father (Dana 1st and Lynne Moore)
Price: The cost to attend will be $ 10 flat nothing more nothing less. With your $10 entry you will get a free raffle your first and last name will be used as the “raffle ticket” so luckily you don’t have to look at your number while training ticket. However if you choose to donate more that is totally fine.
Raffle Prizes: Raffle prizes will be raffled after every 12 minutes (2 rolls) so everyone will get to get there prize during the event !!! (Sponsors and gifts will be announced on the event page in the coming days leading up to the event.
FYI: Color Post Its with your first and last name will be used as the “raffle ticket” so luckily you don’t have to look at your number while training.
In-Door Entry Gift: So what if you don't win a raffle gift ? Don't worry we have the covered ! We have 5 great in-door entry gifts for everyone that attends. 1 is an electronic gift everyone will love and the second is for the first 60 people that show up. (those in-door gifts will be announced on the event page)
El Atnom Big 300 Challenge: As most of you remember from past Grapplethon events I completed two 1914 Kimonos to earn extra money for the two charities those events focused on. Stepping away this time around I want others to experience what its like to roll hard to help someone and lets just say this will take more than one person to complete the challenge. More details on this challenge in the coming weeks.
For more information and updates on this great charity event please visit the Grapplethon: Team Dana Moore Facebook Event page.
If you have any questions contact Monta Wiley or Brett Weekley at facebook.
Prayers for Dana Moore to have a full and speedy recovery .With the support of all the Grappelthon team he will be standing on his own two feet and training & teaching others again his passion for the sport. Thanks for all the support that you guys give on a daily basis . May God Bless you all.