Storms can undoubtedly be dangerous especially when it arise in our lives however learning how to deal with these unexpected occurrences is how we mature which gives us a broader understanding of that vast sea we called life
As the captain of my ship sailing through life has been a crazy voyage which isn't even close to reaching its destination. Five days in counting marks another storm that is a brewing in the form of another charity Grapplethon for a BJJ brother name Dana Moore. Going into this event I can honestly say I have never been so nervous (this probably even rivals my tournament nerves) because of my curiosity of the event results but also I will be meeting the "benefactor" for the first time which I never done in the past two grapplethons events because they lived out of state( mind you I am a underground guy I rarely like to be seen or notice for anything). In addition as the days get closer something has been really bothering me especially after listening to Dana's story of strength through the storm he is going through being a 24 year old blue belt bind to a wheelchair due to a construction accident. This reflection of his story hit close to home which has been deeply thinking about my friend Rustle Laidman who died almost a year ago.
February 22 2013 marked a cold storm in my life after a tournament in Denver, Colorado as I got news of his death. For those that read the Ruslte Laidman Eulogy you would know how much he meant to me as he is one of the most influential people I meet not only in martial arts but also in life. Normally when I encounter such storms I'm am able to deal with close one's deaths but for over a year the sting is painful especially when his name is mentioned casuing my heart to sink which gets me really sad asking that three letter word WHY. Although I wont get into details ( you can make your own conclusion or feel free to ask me privately) When a close friend dies in the manner that my friend Rustle did it is something you cant get over. It is something that leaves you hurt, angry, and clueless wondering wish you could have helped or what if he was still here especially in my case with so many great things going on in my life these days.
Nevertheless through every storm you come out of you learn more about the climate which allows you to have a different outlook on the sail as you find new ways to navigate through future scenarios. What Rustle's death taught me was the idea of an individual's pain. Many people are sailing through life as I write this blog and are forced to go through troublesome storms . Storms are no freaking joke as they can cause mass devastation to a person financially, emotionally, health wise, or stoppage to one's desired goals. Furthermore no matter how one tries to mask or hide this emotional pain whether it be through drinking or weed smoke that give them a brief escape, sport activities , religion preference (no offense), or self motivating quotes it still can be hard going through the storm alone. However the greatest part about sailing on the sea of life is we run into other ships that don't mind lending a helping hand. In all people going through struggles just need to be made aware that someone cares about what they are going through.
Just wish I would have done this before my friend passed away but hey I'm learning how to sail my ship :-?
The reason for the continual push of Grapplethons does just this in an effort to show people we care while also learning some things in the process. I cant begin to imagine the things I have learned about my friend's death, the Boss Frank Edge, Bad Ass John Flite, or the Champ Dana Moore which has helped me to be stronger and better in my life. Its taught me how to handle situations better, treat people better, be fearless in dangerous situations, and so many others aspects which allows this ship Monta Wiley to keep his voyage pushing.
Ships and Storms how are your pushing through it to continue your voyage and be better than you once were.
With that said nevrous but really looking forward to Saturday.. Cant wait to see what happens on this sail.
1 % Better As Usual or Try'n to Be at Least....
monta ( pronounced like Monday with a "t" replacing the "d")
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