But then an idea popped into my head as I asked myself ummmm what if I made a rap album. What would I say, How can I shock the world, and put everyone at attention as to.....WHO IS KILLA TAY ?!
so here goes and please try to have a sense of humor because I'm taking no shorts in 2014 !!! #submissionnnnnn :-)
Rapper Name: Killa Tay - Killa Tay has been doing his thang for a long time. Known for his countless underground mixtapes which include streets hits "Type of Way" (freestyle), "Katy Perry", the emotional competition anthem "Momma Stressing Her Baby Going to War(aka compete)", and the controversial "Screw,Nut,Bolt" which takes shots at the IBJJF referees Killa Tay has earned the following and worldwide reputation as a real figga in the game...After much delay he is finally able to release his long awaited debut album.
Album: F.A.T P.A.G ( which stand for F*** All These Phony Ass Grapplers)- The Definition of Really Really Really Real Because the Realest is Me: the album's title says it all F*** Em. Its a lot of phony ish in the game and when I look at my watch it time for some realness to come back so here I am...REAL in the flesh.
My album cover ( close your eyes and use your imagination) will feature me sitting on top of a Honda Accord with all 11 of my medals and 2 Trophies ( these are actual things I won over the years) that took me 30 minutes to grab and put around me neck just to show you how cool I am. The Honda will have all these sponsorship logos on that I really don't have or haven't came through for me yet because I am a marketable figure in my own eyes although I am just a sick white belt, untouchable blue belt or mediocre purple at best. Also gotta have two women next to me counting money preferably 1 dollar bills Lots of 1's because I'm # 1 and everyone needs to know that.
Why the crazy cover you ask.. because I'm a big fan of the No Limit Records albums covers.
Twork Season (featuring Miley Cyrus)- Twork is the definition of me working my ass off 365 days/ 24 hours . There is no such thing as summer, spring, winter, or fall in my vocabulary. Every day is twork, twork, twork, and more twork to becoming 1 % better at anything I do. Of course you cant talk about twerking without having the new leader of the movement Miley Cyrus being on the track which was a honor.
Shirt Chaser ( featuring Ian Harris)- Everyone is consumed with medals which can be obtained 50 % of the time. However one thing is guaranteed A tournament t-shirt. I love shirts because I can where them all the time when I go to the park, sleep, and everywhere in between . I can’t wear a medal around all the time especially where I live I’ll get kill’t or get it taken by the real G's that don't wear Gi's. So I’m just layn it down letting everyone on this track know don't be too sad about not getting a medal that day at least you got a shirt and who better to join with me than the King Shirt Chaser himself Ian Harris.
Man Fan – this is where I lift the skirt off these male whores. Time and time again I see these P.A.G's flocking and loving whoever is on top of the bjj mountain. It's similar to when I go to a bar at night and girls flock to me because I got money, I got that flex, I got that Twork, and quite frankly God Damit cause I'm Monta. They didn't like me years when I was broke hustling doing my thing starting from the bottom now I here. It's the same in this game you they love you when your on top and if your not its time to hop on another male bjj champion luv boat. So I'm just giving a shout out to all the Man Fans out there.
Katy Perry “Remix” - this is a remix from a song I did on one of my old mixtapes "In the Kitchen: Stay Working". Katy Perry songs are inspirational and carry a deep message. So I'm just giving her a shout out .
TTG- Train to Go. That means Im ready for whatever. Ready to train. Ready to work. Ready to help somebody and ready for war baby ! Anyway, whatever, however, whenever this goon be TTG.
Do My Dance- Straight club banger yo. Straight Club banger. But in all it is a metaphor for saying I'm doing me. I'm not living for you .I'm do it my way.
It’s Personal- I'm not a competitive person in terms of how I match up against others because the greatest battle is against myself. This song I bare my soul giving everyone get to know me and why I do what I do underneath all this Killa in me. At the same time I know people have a different mind frame bound by ego, goal oriented, and just dominate the opponent they face which is cool. All I ask is to respect my grind and Respect my Hustle (like John Cena) because its a battle within. So don't go talking stuff about what you gonna do to me in a match or be a douche afterwards because I will take it personal and that's when shit get real. In the immortal words of Rick Ross aka Officer Ricky.. It Deeper than...Competition.
Riding in My Honda Accord- When Nakapan was with Lloyd Irvin he asked an interesting question.. Do you want the Bentley or the bicycle !? I’m too small for a Bentley and too big for a bicycle so I figured a Honda would be great plus they got long mileage so I can do a lot of traveling. Go with the Honda Accord I say !!
Every day is a Struggle (featuring Garrett Irons & Justin “Iron Man” Moss)- I be in pain most of the time, Everyday I wake up I am not satisfied with who I am and where I want to be. Nothing is giving on a silver plater so you gotta work hard for it and go through a bunch of bullshit to get it. I got my boys from Denver joining me on this track because they say on grindmode and they 're some of the realist people I've meet. #realrecognizereal
Rims Stones,Glitter, and Juice (featuring Curtis Snow from that Nexflix movie "Snow in the Bluff")- Rim stones is the Weed. Glitter is the Out of Control sparkling Party. Lastly Juice is Steroids put into the body for maximum performance. Another one of those songs where I'm exposing the real of some of these cats on the game. Not everyone you see are saint just because they can do little wrong on the mats in front of hundreds of people watching. I'm just letting everyone know no one is perfect and we all got flaws. Shoot reading this blog you probably doing it to. Curtis Snow stay doing his thang hustling so i got him on here too.
Leaving the City- This track is a remark of The Sunday's song Leave the City. It takes about getting out of your comfort zone and seeing what's out there for you. It also talks about me leaving the city one day although I will still run Los Angeles from wherever I'm at -haha-
Work in the Pot ( Like Martha Stewart)- I am the spoon, my skills are the ingredients, the mat is the pot where I steer up something nice #yum. Put it together and I'm working hard. Every time I look at Martha Stewart she be on that TV cooking something give us all the recipe to making a great meal. I kinda respect her in a way because it inspires me to create new ideas whether it is techniques, new things to do, or just figuring out ways to be better in life. You gotta keep work.gotta staying improving.
I Love this Life- I talk about how much this great art has changed my life. All BS aside through the good times, bad times, and various people I have meet it has truly made me a better person. I Luv It.
I know this album will be the realest ish ever released on the market that will send me to super stardom .I can see it now groupie followings male and female, sold out concerts, mastermind seminars on how to be a real goon. At the same time I know I will have alot of haters and P.A.G rappers coming at me with multiple diss tracks even more than when Keendrich Lamar drop "Control"... so I got two diss tracks lined up for anyone want to test the best.
Retaliation Diss Tracks.......................
- You Aint ish #eatad***
- "buzzer sounds" ennnttt Try Again Bro.
if those don't work I'll see you on the mat,competition, or in the streets :-)
thanks everyone and hope I gave you a laugh with this one. Feel free to comment and tell me what your favorite track would be on the album.
1 % better killing the game yo
monta (pronounced like Monday with a "T" replacing the D)
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