Like a puzzle or anything that has a beginning everything starts from scratch. Then step by step it transforms itself into a grand work of art, in my case as a writer its pretty much vandalizing a clean sheet of paper with written words aimed to send a message. Revealing enough when the smoke clears the written artwork has centered on a discussion of various hard working individuals in the MMA community.
When I first started writing it was really use as a way to kill time and for fun purposes. As time progressed it has always been about just helping people. There are many hardwork and great people who train out there n due to their popularity status or less achieved accolades they dont get the attention they truley deserve. Although it was unclear to me at the time ( still to this day) I never understood why people either liked my articles or people who I did articles on appreciated my help. Overall I was just honor to have helped them however way I did.
As my adventure as a writer continued (this also included people I may have mentioned in the montblog) things started to take an interesting twist. I truly cant speak on the help/gratitude my writing has done for some people but it seemed that through the process it backfired on me through reading their stories and analyzing their personas. There were some periods in my life where I would go through sad moments about particular stuff whether it be competing or just areas I wish were better. Through reading countless stories and watching people fight I saw traits buried within myself that I wanted to make better. Being a strong competitor, humlity, and most importantly staying strong in this crazy world these individuals have helped me out BIG TIME.
A mirror reflection of what I saw myself It fueled my ambitions and motivation toward making great articles on people to make sure they were presented for the great people they are for the world to see.
This year alone through meeting some at tournaments recently, I also took it upon myself to travel to see the world and meet/train with some of these individuals. Being on the road as of late has been an experience of a life time as I got the opportunity to do just that and it has been a major special moment for me.
Rolling with many BJJ worlds champs has been a great experience for me, a privileged not granted too often. However although I was appreciative of the experience. It doesn't compared to the people I got the chance to meet and train with (that I did articles on). Sure they may have ( or haven't yet) are small amateur fighters, local BJJ guys, Muay Thai, -etc-. Nevertheless they are hardworking people I can relate and that have inspired me which in it has been the greatest opportunity to able to train, talk, and get my butt kicked on the mats more than you ever know.
So to end this blog I will say 4 those that I ever did an article on especially the ones I'm super cool with {u know who you are}...thank you for allowing me to try and help you cuz in term you have helped me.
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