Sunday, December 23, 2012

Monta 2012 Top 10 Moments (5-1)

5. Colton Smith Article- Writing Send Off ( taking a break from writing) : Although helping people with articles has been a great feeling for me, there are some things that comes with being a writer that can prove quiet stressful. 2 years deep of writing on a weekly basis I yearned for a break from writing to refresh my mind and build myself as an individual. Around August through September of this year a few a birds chirped me in the form of MMA instructor Jarrod Clontz, Army Personnel, and even his wife talking about this guy name Colton Smith. Reading his story I knew this was the way I should go out this year as a writer and boyyyy did I ever. Not only did the article get a lot of attention it really helped get another amazing story out to let everyone know WHO Colton smith really is ( there are Internet blogger who attack his character for what he did on the show). In the end Colton took a bunch of weight off my back and he went on to become the winner of The Ultimate Fighter Show that season.
Thx Colton and best wishes…don’t be a stranger K.I.T brother !!!

4. Academy Special Guest ( people I did articles on coming down to train at my academy) : There is one thing I ask for from the majority of the people I write about and that is simply to one day train with them. This year my academy had a lot of top stars stop by. Amongst this stars were also great guest I did articles on. Although they are not big yet having Ricky Johnson, Kyle Stewart, Jarrod CLontz, Tom Barlow, and Brock Gorang was super exciting for me on many levels. Every personality offered something different and training with each of them was off the hook!! I put this in the top 5 mainly cause it really gave me the opportunity to interact with the individuals I spent sleepiness nights writing articles on while also them getting to know the mystery man behind it all..
Thanks for coming down guys…...wonder who will be # 6?!

3. Getting Promoted by Xande from Blue to 4 stripe Blue Belt  : When I became a blue belt 5 years ago it was a great moment for me. But during that 5 year journey ( due to me living in different parts of the city and unfortunately having to switch school except for the last one) I never got anything. For years I stopped caring about getting anything and just focused on my growth in skill which helped me in the long run. Then along came the night on November 13th when Xande gave me 4 stripes in one night on my blue. As crazy as it may sound I was shocked a person at his level thought that much of me (to be honest I thought I wasn’t gonna get anything at all). Overall I felt vindicated for all those years I didn’t get any plus it gave me a since of that feeling “my instructor appreciates me as his student”.

2. Northwest Adventure (trip to Portland and Seattle) : One trip symbolized a dream come true. The other one can be considered a Revelation. A couple of years ago I saw this post card of a Space Needle and told myself “one day I will visit that place and be on top of that tower. Flash-forward to 2012 I found myself traveling to Seattle, Washington were my lifelong dream came true. While there I got a chance to do some great sightseeing which consist of Saceo Filed, the waterfront, and stand on top of the space needle. In addition I also got some training down there that took my game to the next level courtesy of the Foster BJJ team, everyone at Ivan Salaverry’s, and the best unknown grappler around Andrew Perkins.
Now on the other side of the coin you have Portland, Oregon. I never really made any intention or interest in going there, however with so many friends I did articles making the countless statement “Let’s Train” I figured it be a cool idea to go down there to see what’s up. To be perfectly honest I didn’t know what to expect when I went up there to visit Portland. While Seattle I was excited Portland I was more nervous if anything. I quickly found out that that nervousness I had was more curiosity which was revealed in the following 3 days I was there. Meeting those people like 10th planet Oregon Peeps, Brent Primus, and Tommy Leisman pretty much changed my life forever, it was almost like meeting long lost brothers (from an interaction standpoint). It really put into perspective and made me realize the impact my articles have on people. At times as a writer it can be hard but through meeting them it really motivated me to continue what I do and helping others.

1. My Return to Competition : Carrying over 5 years of baggage and demons to due past competition experience. With a little bit of motivation I finally decided to step out and give competition one more try. If you read my 2 part blog on this you know the details of my story on this matter......

Writing the 2 part blog was the toughest thing I ever had to do because for the 1st time I was letting everyone know who Monta was. To say the least I was scared because I didn’t know how people were going to react. Thankfully it was not only well received but other related to it. Through this it allowed me to launch as series of blogs and even Facebook wall post helping to motivate people concerning this matter and even life in general. I feel this is the # 1 moment of the year because in one moment it built me to become a stronger individual capable to tackles anything the world throws at me with no fear…while also inspiring other to do the same.

Monta 2012 Top 10 Moments (6-10)

10.      Attending a UFC event Ground Floor no Bleachers: Overall it was a new experience for me in many ways. Being on the floor side offers a spectator with a whole range of advantages. Not only did I see great action close up but also got a chance to see some fight personalities like Ronda Rousey and Royce Gracie…IMO the biggest celebrity I got to meet was my boss from Marcos Villegas. Overall great experience that I will never 4got.

9.      BJJ Legends 1st Magazine Publishing Article: This was big for me in many ways because one of my goals as a writer was always to have one of my pieces in a magazine. Not only was it great to have my work published in a book sold worldwide but to also have my instructor Xande on the cover was even cooler. This would have been at a higher # if it weren’t for some errors I saw made in the article by head editor…but overall I’m just very appreciative for getting the chance to accomplish a writing goal of mine.
8.      Kenny Florian Seminar: It not really much to say about this but in terms of MMA fighter that does bjj..Kenny Florian has been one of my favorite. The experience was very amazing training with him and his brother. Every time I had a question I called them over to soak all the knowledge I can get, plus so Bruno and Phan can get a lot of pictures of me with Kenny and Keith so I can have something to look back on.
7.      Starting at Xande JJ- Day 1 :  Taking a gamble I decided to give so cal jiu-jitsu one last shot and train with Mr. Xande Ribeiro..The Key word here is “DAY 1”. Coming in with some extra baggage from my previous academy although I was excited to train with Xande I was also very nervous. Every day I had this crazy thought that something bad was going to happen and that day will be my last. But as time passed along I began to loosen up and embrace my new team and instructor which has been a great time this past year.
6.      Training with Judo great Chuck Jefferson:  It has been over 3 years since I’ve done any Judo and for one time only I made my return to train with my all-time favorite judo player Chuck Jefferson. It terms of my visit to Chuck Jefferson's Judo it was an awesome. When I walked in and saw the layout of the facility I had to ask myself for a this the right place? (Mainly because it didn’t look like your typical judo dojo).  The class went great that night but it was the following day that would remain a memory forever. The following day I was able to take judo private from him which was also amazing. At time we would sit on the mat and talk about the judo/jiu-jitsu problems and other things about my experience and his experience. Never in a million years had I thought I would be sitting down talking normal with my favorite judo player. Thank for the friendship Sensei Chuck hope to see you next year!!  also shoutout to ..Sensei Lee Heitzman!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Competitor Analysis: The Strong vs. The Weak

Since returning to competition one of the biggest things I have been thoroughly investigating is the “Mental” element of fighting. When you think of this topic it truly correlates with the Battle Within. From the nerves to being in the fight itself every aspect of a person’s emotions can reveal not only their purpose but also the outcome of the match.

Just recently I got a chance to see this first hand through a series of events that happened in the last 7 days. In this piece I will cover the separation of strong and weak in competition. Widely overlooked it is something that really tells the story of a competitor. Last Sunday I got the opportunity to be a scorekeeper at the No-Gi NABJJ tournament . I thought it would be a dull experience but I was wrong. Sitting courtside allowed me to interact with the competitors before/ after their matches and also witness their transformation as they get ready to fight in battle.

Analyzing each competitor I can pretty much tell which one was going to win (and 90 % of the time I was correct). When they walked out each competitor was game but as anything in life when shit hits you in the face that is when one finds out how tough you are and how bad do you want it. One thing I looked at was the fighter’s eyes (I know weird). In the heat of battle some guys looked like they gave up when they first got taken down by their more purposely driven opponent as their eyes pretty was telling those in attendance  “What the Hell am I doing here wish I was at home watching the Sunday football game” !!!

This all goes back to my promotion of having a purpose when going out to compete. Whether it be to a better man, winning gold, or making the best of your experience it really helps you carry something with you into combat so you wont become weak in the fight. First lets take a look at the strong side of the competitor spectrum.
A great example of this theory is a video I saw on the web of an in-house gi tournament featuring Brett Weekly who also took 2nd place at the NABJJ No-Gi tourney I was score keeping at. As you can see in the video it really showed who wanted it more and who was looking for the madness to end. Which explains the reason Brett beat this opponent.
Seeing him compete at the No-Gi tournament myself he went in with the same attitude and purpose of doing well and although he lost in the finals Brett Still seemed happy with his performance and what he accomplished that day.

Now the weak. Example of this can be seen from yesterday’s UFC event in the fight between BJ Penn and Rory McDonanld. Regarded as a fearless competitor whose killer instinct allowed him to devour the opposition  it seemed as though the tables were turned on the Prodigy that night. Looking at the fight it was very hard to watch as BJ clearly told thousands of viewers he didn’t want to be there. On many occasions in the second round from his facial experssion to him not defending himself properly it is as though he was begging McDonanld to finish him off. However being the arrogant fighter he is Rory did what BJ was known to do in the past and publicly humiliating him prolonging his suffering going on to earn a unanimous decision victory.
Looking at these observations I’m trying to show you the difference between someone who wants it and someone that doesn’t.
So the next question lies how do you maintain a predator mentality hunting for what you want instead of being the prey all the time ? Here are some tips.

1.       When signing up for any tournament start off by asking yourself why are you entering this event (purpose)- if it just  to have “FUN” or just to "Compete"you're as good as dead b4 you step on the mat. You gotta have a reason (purpose) for putting yourself in harms way which will allow you to make the best of this life changing expereince.

2.       Strengthen you Purpose- This formula you may have to go deeper and may be the toughest for anyone  going to compete. Start off with a purpose and start breaking it down to something I call the “Why Reaction”

Ex: I want to be a world champion Why? Because I am the best Why? Why? -If you can get pass the 5th time you ask yourself Why you are practically game for success.

3.       Develop a Sentence that will stick in your head throughout the event- It allows you to eliminate all worries. You might be nervous but the sentence you create centered on your purpose will carry you through the war.

Ex: my sentence at grappling x event was- “I don’t have to be Champion, Just a better man than I once was”

4.       Make sure it’s about you- I hear a lot of people say I’m doing this for my team. Instructor, to prove something to someone…make someone else proud of me….F that. That is one of the main reason why competitors get destroyed in tournaments because they are trying to live someone else dreams and not their own.

5.       Make sure to train (which is obvious) :-) and keep you purpose in your mind while training

If you follow these steps you will notice a totally different person in battle (trust me). In all this entry is meant to show competiors mindframe in combat but also meant to show you how to develop a stronger mentality for competing with a purpose to see you through.



Sunday, December 2, 2012

Return to Writing- ( New Features & Changes)

Next month I will make my return to writing articles. The time off has been great so far  and if you been keeping up with what I been doing it has been an amazing journey. Time-off has allowed me to do many things such as practice my writing skills, read, meet people I did articles on, and also build myself as an individual. All of these things have helped in my return. Looking back on the past 2 years as a writer I have made a lot of great decisions and also made some bad choices. In an effort to correct those mistakes and make my good decisions greater I have set out a list of standards for myself  .

In this blog I will be going over the new features and changes I will be doing as a writer when it comes to doing interviews. The new changes will ensure everyone is given an equal chance, I can maintain a gradual pace without getting burnt out, and other aspects of the spectrum.

First the New Features

1.       Military Spotlight will now happen once a month- this has been my most favorite part being a writer. Although it cools giving props to our favorite bjj/mma fighter I think it’s important we give these people the respect they deserve for their ultimate commitment.

Note: all articles must go under the military spotlight title. So for example Colton Smith was titled fighters heart while Jason Norwood was military spotlight. In other words  two military personal are game for being feature in the same month.

2.       Phone Call Intros- Slack off on this in the past and sadly I know a lot of people have classified me as a mystery man helping people (until you meet me)  but not anymore. The call is just a standard greeting to help me get a vibe of who im doing the article on while also them knowing who I am... questions will still be sent via e-mail.

3.       Self-Request – people are now allowed to put in a request to do an article on themselves. However MAKE SURE YOU BRING IT!!! NO BS. I don’t care about your medals or how many people you KO’d I want to know what makes u..YOU

4.       Open Inbox- my page now has given me an inbox so u are now open to send me any request, name drops, questions or concerns. or feel free to email me at

5.       Full Stories!! (No MORE Q & A interviews on people)- I have been given small complaints about this in the past about how I given full story to some people while some have gotten q & a …well this will happen no longer. Everyone will get the opportunity to tell their story. It’s time I step up and pledge 100 % to Note: depending on the matter Q &A articles may pop up at times in regards to product reviews or upcoming events.

6.       Interviewee’s Choice- Continuing where # 6 left off the person being interviewed now has the floor to request what the article will center on.. after all it is YOUR STORY.

Now the not so fun part…….. Restrictions/ Changes

1.       4-5 articles Per Month Limit- In the past I have done 6-8 articles per month. I have decided to chop it down to 4 the minimum and 5 the max. This new implication is more to help me maintain a flow without getting burnt out and generate more focus on one person at a time.

2.       8 Month Gap Clause- For those that I have done 2 or more articles on you will now have to wait 8 months until I do another article on you (unless you are making a major transition  in your life/career). I can’t do a new article every time you have a fight (there are other ways I can support you off course) because while I’m doing a 4th and 5th article on you There is another hungry unnoticed talent that may need my help. EQUAL OPPORUNITY!!

Ex: Brent Primus I have done an article on him once a year  (2 articles total) so he is still game for a future article….while if I have done an article on you in 3-5 month period in the same year. You have to wait a bit just to see where you are at in your career.

3.       14 days courtesy notification- Note all articles do NOT have a time limit however I had many problems where people have not keep me up to date or don’t say anything to me about the status of the answers. Some end up not giving them to me at all while some have even submitted them a month later while I’m already working on other people’s article and even on vaca. Depending on whom you are and interaction with you. If you don’t give me a status update after 14 days don’t bother turning in your answers. It unfair to me and addition to the people that I am writing on.

Note: This rule may sound confusing so if u has any questions please e-mail me or comment!!

4.       No  Disrespect- although I had minor incidents concerning this issue the one’s I had really made me feel upset and regret doing the article on them. SO any sign of disrespect toward me as a writer before, during, or after the article phase your article will be deleted. (and u might get called out 4 being a a-hole)

Note: if you want to hear some stories feel free to ask I have some crazy ones.

Well folks these are the new features and rules. Hopefully they aren’t to major. And once again if you have any questions or concerns feel free to hit me up.


p.s- Also just know with my return to competition it will not affect my article writing in any way. Already set 3-4 tournament plan for next year. So in other words my writing is being put FIRST because after all if it wasn’t 4 the people I write about I wouldn’t be able to compete.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The New Grappling Journey: Fresh Start

It always great to have a fresh new start in creating a new path for yourself.. With my baggage and vices left on the mat at Grappling X I now found myself on a new beginning with my entry into the International Grappling Championships (aka Technique Challenge) and BOyyyy was it something from a mental, physical, and even unusual standpoint.

Coming along with 2 other teammates this swing, we all found ourselves facing the first challenge THE LONG ASS WAIT.  I have been to tournaments that have ran behind but man this was ridiculous 4 hours late. Going through something like that makes you want to say  4get this shit I’m leaving  or just go out there to “get it over with”. As the clock struck 4pm with the kids division still going one of my teammates was thinking about leaving ( won’t say his name) but after one of my motivational angry rants basically telling him…
If you going run off at least get on the mat and half ass it to a least say u went out there to “compete” but don’t run away !
I think squared him away good (funny outcome he had). Looking at it from my standpoint I just saw it as a delay of the inevitable great battle that will go down that day on the mat. It made my blood rush with elevated heat, it made my mind more focused, my heart pump out of my chest to see what will happen when I stepped on to the mat !! After all I knew what I was there for and nothing was going block me from c’n that.
After waiting countless hours and greeting some BJJ friends through the process it was finally go time  Waiting in the bullpen I was surrounded by my 3 other competitors. One from the Mendes Brother gym, Another from Leo DAlla), and….holy shit!!! Manuel Figueroa (the same guy I fought in the finals at the last tournament). Another interesting day was about to unfold !!!
With other 2 teammates already fighting there battles (and doing well I may add) the pressure seemed follow the pattern.So the first match saw the Mendes Brothers student vs. the Leo Dalla fighter. The match was very intense but sadly ended with a controversial leg lock submission (knee reaping I dunno) giving the Mendes brother blue belt the win. Boy was the other guy pissed so much so he went to 3 referee’s with the video to demand a reverse decision (which didn’t go in his favor).He stormed off in anger and disappeared. As I watched that I told myself I never want to become that way again. I know what I’m getting myself into and I got to accept whatever comes with the individual bringing his version of pain to me.
So I guess it was my turn next. As I stood on the side of the mat heavily focused I was surprisingly interrupted by the shocked that the scorekeeper said my name correctly (people rarely get my name right on the first try something is up) as I turned around he stood up to great me and shook my hand. In my mind I was like who is this guy ? Then when he said his name it was hella crazy but a true honor to meet IAN LAWLER (the very first guy I did a military spotlight article on). Sux he was done for the day would have been awesome if he could have stayed to see my matches.
So the first round found myself going up against a familiar opponent in Manuel. When I saw him at the first tournament I didnt get too much interaction with him got a chance to actually talk to him b4 and after the fight this time around. As I kept telling myself that oh familiar lingo “ I Will give it everything I have 2day to be a better man than I Once was” and praying in my mind for strength, protection (for me & my opponent), and personal growth ; at the corner of my eye I saw something that had my heart almost sink to my ass. Manuel Figueroa got on his knees and started praying to God almost for the exact thing (strength in battle). The sight really made me kind of sad that we couldn’t fight in the finals. 2 individuals out there not 4 prizes but to become better. However in this slight time of being soft-hearted I quickly thought positive and realized this is going be a great match.
In short the match started off aggressive. I did not abandon my strategy and I Pulled guard working endlessly for submissions attacks. 6 minutes passed matched ended 0-to-0 ANOTHER OVERTIME …Déjà vu… I laughed out loud. This time around we weren’t tired. Knowing the rules I did the exact same thing eventually with me winning the fight as the most aggressive fighter. (Manuel eventually took third due to the other grappler leaving)

As I made my way into my 2nd match against the fighter from the Mendes bros academy I knew this was gonna be a fight. The guy was the definition of a individual with no conscience ready to murder anything in his way ( saw his demeanor through the whole process). With me not having a coach for a short period of time and at his corner was the oh so great ( I say that sacarticly btw) Rafael Mendes in his corner it seemed the deck was stacked against me. The fight did not start off great in my favor as for the first time ever in a grappling competition (including JUDO) I was thrown…man not good. During the heated exchange I suddenly got accidental clocked with a knee to the mouth. Dang this again me tasting my own blood L instead of fearing it I wiped it on my face and continued to battle on ( n by the look in rafa’s face he probably was saying to himself “this dude is nuts”).
Colton Smith said it best- We are going go out there, we are going fight and bleed, and I do what I can to come out on top. A phrase I took going into this.
As I continued to struggle in the battle I begin to hear the coaching of my teammates helping through it all it made me work harder. Although I was losing I knew I had to finish this fight strong, I had to see the fight through to the very end. End results me losing in the finals (got 2nd place). Shook my opponents hand and congratulated him on the win.
Overall it was another great battle which helped me to become a better man. A lot of lesson where acquired and this chapter showed me the true test of my heart which prevailed.
One a side note the teammate who almost had left because the tournament running late…end up winning his division. Super happy 4 him and my other teammate (although he didn’t medal) did a sick job and almost went to the semifinals n a great match.
It always funny how people advice quotes tell the story of my experience, So I will end this blog with a Kyle Stewart line.
“it is not the finish line that matters but the overall journey to look back on “

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Battle Ahead: Pushing Forward-"It's Always Personal"

Well it seems like the no-gi worlds has come to an end. While everyone is reflecting on their current triumphs or mistakes as for me I am getting ready to step back into the fire once again. A little over a month has passed by since my last personal victory in September now I am prepared for another “Battle Within” this coming Saturday at my next grappling tournament.

Since the Grappling X event a lot of things have changed. Aside from me training harder, feeling like a stronger person and completing my last article for the year one of the biggest shocker was the responses I got from the "2 part blog I wrote on my return to competition". It was surprising that so many people supported/ was inspired by my story {especially with me being just a normal guy} and how some even go through similar trials in their competition endeavors. The kind words definitely touched my heart which made me more motivated to compete more to REPRESENT for those people who go through their own personal battle in competition/life .

A lot of times a “Battle Within” can merely be to prove something to yourself whether it be becoming the best or facing a fear. Sometimes people get caught up in a fantasy land { things/goals that look great} such as medals, sponsorships, and lust for attention -etc.- which are all materialistic/narcissistic values that don't mean jack shit in the long run as you get higher in the ranks or in life.

Now on the other side of the coin you got a person who goes out there for personal reasons (like myself). Although getting a medal is great all of that gets override by the purpose embedded in their heart each time they goes onto the battlefield which as a result makes one stronger{win or lose}.

Carrying a personal purpose while going out there and giving it everything you have {making yourself vulnerable in a way} IMO is the true victory . You never know this personal journey may even bless you to becoming a world champ one day.

Going into my last tourney {coming off a 3 year absence} I obviously had a lot of baggage on me which got uplifted. This time around it’s all about building myself into the man I want to be...and no matter how many times I fall or medal  I won't stop until my goal is accomplished. So how do I keep myself focused on this you ask...when the ultimate mission is to get gold {from a competitive standpoint}...simple I reflect back to 05 and 09 incidents say this to myself.

"I've been down for over 3 years I refuse to coward in my own grief and be broken like that ever again by any man. I will always strive and not let any hurdle get in my way from bettering myself"

It kind of crazy I know. However to anyone who knows my story you would know why I feel this way.  It fuels my desire to prove to myself Im strong, it helps me to overcome another obstacle, and most importantly it allows me to get it everything I have (whether I win or lose) which allows me to see the battle through to the very end.  Overall it’s merely a way to keep me on soild ground while going into a fight because trust me it is and will ALWAYS be a nervous/hard ordeal getting ready for an unknown confrontation against someone you have no clue what/why they want to do something  to you.

In all I'm looking forward to the event. Overall it about building from the victories, to maybe losing, and facing new scenarios that will test me mentally and physically.

I guess for me in the end As long as my 5 prayers from what i mention in Part 2 gets answered I am fine with whatever happens.

Let see where it will take me this time around.

Finally wanted to say Thanks again for every1's support and most importantly to all the fighter's/friends that motivated me every day in my goal of becoming a better man. I couldn’t have taken this road again without your help (You know who you are !!!!).

Keep you ALL updated on the results....


Friday, October 19, 2012

Break Time From Writing

Well I said I have alot of announcements in the coming weeks and here is the first. For the first time since I have started writing I have decided to take a small 2 month break from writing articles.

I still have 2 committed articles that are getting done plus the Fighter's Heart article but after that (unless a friend seriously needs help) I will be done for the year. Before I proceeded i want to put it out there this has nothing to do with my status with any of the website or my return to competition. As a matter of fact this is something I wanted to do for a long time.

Overall I started writing 2 years ago because of the stuff i mentioned ( in my previous blog). For over two years on a consistent weekly basis I have posted many article helping out many people as I can while also making great friends in the process.

 I feel I have burned myself out and need to time to recharge the i can come back stronger and better. I feel if i continue any further I wont be putting out great material..which isn't fair to me, the website, and the person that trust in me to tell their story.

Writing articles is not easy it is very hard especially when a person really needs/deserves the help. On many occassions while balancing a full time temp job and training at nights I would spend long hours until 3 am in the morning putting together great material ..not to show how good I am but simply I want to help. Kinda like that ol catch phrase were both climbing so lets help each other out type of thing.

For over 6 months now been getting super tired to the point where it hard for me to even make a great article (luckly i been able to get through each article) but felt my gas tank was about to go on on E. For ahwile I was looking for THAT individual who sybloized everything what it meant to be a true fighter that could send me off graciously as i take my break. (another words take some weight off my back)..and  I  100 % believe found that individual

Just note when u read the conclusion to Fighters Heart 3 on Colton Smith. (like i did in my tournament) I gave everything (my last ounce of creativity and effort) i had into making an article on a great fighter who truly deserves it. Be sure to support the article.

this is super hard for me to do because i really like helping people in this fight game the best way i can (some of the people i wrote about i closely relate too). I dont want anyone to think or feel I am giving up or I've lost interest assisting whoever i can.

overall if anyone has any questions please feel free to comment and thank u all for your support.. It is greatly appreciated.


note: the monta article page and this blog will be active as i will be still interactive on the page and also posting articles i never released to at least keep it busy.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Return to Competition: The War From Within (part 2)

So after some great motivation I was now on a one way course to making my return to competition after a 3 year absence.

Registering for the event 5 days prior I wasn't too concerned with developing my skills {do that regularly} I was more focused on developing my mental game. During those 5 days I started creating a focus on what I wanted out of this tournament. It had to be a strong purpose for going out there again. It couldn't be for obtaining podium prominence or being emotional wanting to hurt the enemy. It has to be something Deep that would allow me to perform at my best which would see me through to the end not matter what the results were.

Using some of the words from the people I mentioned in part one. On a daily basis I kept reading these quotes to myself to help me stay focused. I can honestly say it helped kept me positive and strong through that whole period.

When you feel that demon inside named fatigue tell him to F off and push his ass out of the way!-Gary Peters

Don't gotta be a champ, just better than you once were.- Shane Lees

Give everything you have on Sunday.- Josh Cavan

-The Xande Speech

In addition to show how serious I was I did something I was always afraid to do in past...GO ALONE. With the exception of two people, no one knew I was doing the tournament that's including my instructor Xande. Going into this I knew clearly I would have no one to lean on in defeat and No one to guide me through the storm. In other words I'd be fighting my own battle against the enemy that kept me down for so long.

5 days went by quicker than a beruibolo guard sweep as I soon found myself at the Grappling X  tournament at Long Beach, Ca. With a great tournament running on time it was only a matter of time before I was about to fight. In the past I would very be nervous and resorted to various methods to get ready such as getting amped up, listening to gangster music, and even {no offense to those that do} read my bible which options DIDN'T help me at all. This time it felt different. If anything I was more anxious to get out there and see what was at the end of the tunnel after this great challenge.

In this process all I did was small warm ups every 15 minutes, I sat there, waited, and cited this message in my head.

“I am here to be a better man I once was. I give it everything I have today and see this battle through to the end"

Later getting called onto the mat I was surrounded by my 4 other competitors. One orange belt name Luke Varnell who dominated his teen division earlier that day, 2 blue belts from my own association {ribeiro affiliate}, and another great blue belt { Manual Figueroa from united bjj} who had a look in his eyes that he came to fight and destroy anyone in his path. To throw a wrench in the equation the referee for my matches was a former teammate of mine from Paragon/ HBJJ who in the past nagged on me for not competing...Talk about the sum of all fears -lol- today was going to be an interesting day.

So our division finally got started. Although I got a bye due to the odd number of competitors that didn't matter as Luke and Manuel made quick work of the other Ribeiro fighters. The crazy part was I didn't even analyze what the winner’s games plans were because I was focused greatly on my purpose.

Name got called onto the mat. THIS WAS IT!!! While standing across the mat looking at my first round opponent Luke Varnell I had a different perspective than I did before . Maybe I grown up a bit or whatever but I didn’t look at him as my enemy or having any hatred for him, as a matter of fact I had a lot of respect for him for being a real competitor. Unfortunately Luke was at the wrong place at the wrong time as he was going to get caught in the crossfire from my battle within. Utilizing the techniques I learned from Trumpet Dan and James Driskill back in 2011 I quickly pulled guard taking his back seconds in the match to secure a RNC finish in a little over a minutes. No victory celebration. I checked on my opponent to see if he was OK, got my hand raised, and walked off the mat.

Now I found myself in the finals against Manuel Figueroa (from United BJJ). Reflecting back on the match it is one I would love to do all over again. The match was defiantly a see-saw war. At one point during the fight while he was in my guard. In my mind I had a big smile on my face saying this and at that moment I realized no matter what the physical result were I knew I was beating those vices.

"There is no other place I rather be right now I am conquering this enemy (not Manuel) and enjoying every minute of it!”

With the match ending the score was tied 4-4 as we soon found ourselves going into overtime. WOW the battle is not over yet. With our bodies wreaked at this point it all came down to whose mind/heart was stronger (which both of ours were) and who wanted it more. Going back to my game plan I quickly pulled guard and miraculously got a sweep. Ending up in half guard with 30 seconds I continued to try and sweep (I don’t stall like most players it wouldn’t have been fair to Manuel). Match was over. When the smoke cleared it was me with my hand raised as the 135 Blue Belt Grappling X Champion that day.
After my hand was raised and thanking my opponent for a great fight I slammed the mat with emotion because I did it. All that pain I was carrying around for 7 years was completely gone. I felt like a totally new person. To say the least I was happy.

Standing on top of the podium that day I realized something those entire problems that entered my life were supposed to happen. It was that I overcame them that gave me a clear perception and appreciation of who I was which made my victory far greater than the Gold medal around my neck.

Originally this was supposed to be my one and only tournament...NOT...although I feel I have won the major battle the WAR from within is far from over. With my fresh new start I now have a solid purpose going out there now. It should be quiet the adventure.

I've never asked God for much in my life but as I continue to go out there and compete I only ask for a couple of things......................................

- To always give me the strength to give it everything I have

- Always respect my opponent (whether or not he does the same)

- Too take care of me and my opponent as we go out there and fight for what’s in our hearts

-Not get caught up in the materialistic MEDAL CHASING trend like so many choose to do

- Most importantly to always become a better man stepping off the battle mat (while enjoying my experience).

In other words folks I am not back to become a world champion (No IBJJF tournament for me). I am not back to become a famous grappler. I could care less about that and having 500 phonies (aka Man-Fans aka STANS) adding me to facebook pretending to like me just because I'm kicking ass. I am fine with the friends I have now that were with me during my struggle and when I was a nobody.

I am back for one reason and that is "To build myself into the man I want to be".


Friday, October 5, 2012

My Return to Competition: The War From Within (part 1)

It was just a week after a 3 year hiatus where I made my return to competition at the Grappling X tournament in Long Beach, California. Going up against two great competitors I was able to overcome in route to becoming the 135 blue Grappling X champion. Although getting the gold and standing on top of that podium was great the victory had a more deeper meaning for me which far exceeded a title obtained that day. That day i was able to conquer the biggest enemy I was always afraid to take on..... "MYSELF"

Not to sound crazy but to understand I would have to take you on a brief timeline of my sad history in competition. A story I am now able to openly admit about to anyone reading this blog. Since starting competing in 2005 looking back I can truly say I never knew what it meant to be a competitor. I had different thoughts about competition ranging from just "going out there and doing my best" to even " a fight to the death with a individual trying to hurt me for whatever reason. In a nutshell i was a puzzled mofo.

My theory couldn't be any accurate in my mind at the time after my first no-gi tournament on September 7 of 2005 which left me bloody, a dislocated arm, and a broken spirit that change my life forever.Since that incident I went into future competitions fueled off emotion. No game plan, no technique, just pure rage for my enemy across from me. So much so it got me put on JUDO PAROLE after an incident back in 06. As time progressed I tried my hand at Gi BJJ tournaments in 08 things still remained the same unfortunately (even with my share of wins and loses) and after my 2009 loss at mundials and getting injured in the fight I felt in my heart competition was not for me anymore.

Years passed I began to get older. Had 2 surgeries (non-training related), body got slower, training wasn't right at the time and my mind became non-motivated. At that point i became cool with just training, learning, and meet great people on the mat.Settling down sorta speak. But as all things in life a change was over the hill for me which gave me a new purpose in life which took me on a new path through a new found love for writing articles.

Although I never got paid for 95 % of the article I written the new outlet gave me a new focus in life for helping many great rising stars in BJJ and MMA. Surprisingly it allowed me to establish many great friendship I never could get from competing while also establishing a feeling of importance that I was good at something.Through becoming friends with some of them I began to realize they had alot of qualities i saw in myself ..Only problem was I had a hard time bringing it out

Training also took a drastic turn for the better. After leaving HBJJ I soon found myself training with a very interesting character in the form of  BJJ world champion Xande Ribeiro. To sum it up in a nutshell the training and people i train with are great.

With the inspirational figures i met through my writing and a positive training atmosphere it seemed like I may have had what it take to compete again.NOT REALLY.Time would pass through the year of 2012 and for some reason all I could do was sit an watch all my friends compete and people i did articles on rise to the top. It ATE me alive inside. Why cant i go back out there again ?! What is holding me back ?! Where is my Fighter's Heart ?

Then that is when i realized..I was still haunted from my tournament experiences in the past..something that never left me for over seven years. Somehow an intervention needed to be made ASAP because deep down it was tearing me apart.

The breakthrough would unfold in late September of this year. After a intense training session with Xande he gave a great speech about his life of being a competitor . This speech touched my heart which gave me some encouragement for wanting to go out there again.

The ice break would occur from three great people I meet through my writing in the form of Gary Peters, Shane Lees, and Josh Cavan (BE SURE TO CHECK THEIR ARTICLES OUT). To say they are great fighters is understatement but their story's they bring to the cage are quiet remarkable. These along with many other i wrote about..were people with out fear, people who brought a purpose that no matter what danger they were in was going to see the battle through to the end at all cost.

 Talking to these individuals about what i wanted to do they gave me great mental advice
 for getting prepared for the battle ahead. Becoming a better man than i once was, giving it everything i have, and overcoming the demon of fatigue was all the motivation I needed to step up and  finally do it again.

for the 1st time i knew what it meant to be a competitor, for the first time I had a purpose, for the first time I knew what i was going there to fight for.

 so from that moment I signed up for my 1 BJJ tournament in three years...................

(stay tuned for part 2)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fantasy Fight Card

Spending sleepless night writing countless articles on many great fighter. You kind of get a perception of each fighters talents, strength, and motivates them to reach the top.

C'n this first hand i decided to I'm gonna play match maker in this blog. Before I start this is in no way meant to instigate feuds. Just my way of showcasing great talents I know so well.
You never know u might make a new friend in the fight community :-)

If i was putting together an MMA PPV this would be my 9 match fantasy fight card (no particular order)

Ametuer line up
Tyler Maples vs Kyle Stewart

Pro Card
Tommy Thompson vs Tommy Leisman
Shane Lees vs Ricky Johnson
Brent Primus vs Alan Jouban
Nick Coughran vs Gary Peters
Brock Gonrang vs Cooper Gibson
Josh Cavan vs Joe Williams
Jeff Humphries vs Nick Laney
Drew Brokenshire vs  Rob Wood

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Why BJJ Wont Be in the Olympics

I've been  bashed a bit for my statement on BJJ never being an Olympic sport. If you bother to open your eyes and look at the big picture its quite obvious why it will never happen which i will explain in this blog.

Putting all pride aside the reason I believe the sport of BJJ wont be in the Olympics is because of one main reason there is not separation. By separation I mean there is no separation in countries as far as Best of  the USA, Best of Japan, Best of Brazil -etc- -etc-

Everything is conjoined which create a mix of the high chance of producing  the same results as seen by your favorite Brazilian jiu-jitsu stars because after all it is called "Brazilian" jiu-jitsu.

Example: When you go to see the Mundials (BJJ Worlds) 98 % of the black belts that are on the podium are Brazilian. (as matter of fact the only non-Brazilian Ive seen on the podium consistently is Lovato Jr.)Same boring semi-final and final matches that we have seen countless of times..what is the point of wasting $ and time making it an Olympic sport.

However there is always hope. For this sport to make this happen first we gotta break way from that corrupt organization known as the IBJJF. It is making the sport watered down and after all the incidents with poor scoring, favoritism, poor treatment of athletes and other stuff  we don't need that thorn in our back any longer.

Secondly there need to be more promotion of athletes from other countries. I know there are alot of great Brazilian BJJ fighters that we all aspire to be. Shoot i trained under one of them. However if other great black belts for the other countries don't get same attention (even from their own providence) then what the point in going fwd with Olympic aspirations.

Third there has to be a hierarchy that exceeds the mundials to have particiapants strive for higher standards and goals.
Sample Structure: like pan ams-worlds- another event- trials (team and Olympic)- and so forth.

don't wanna go to deep but in a nutshell.. BJJ we still have some growing to do. ALOT OF GROWING !!!

personally the next best sport that has a chance of getting into the olympics is Sambo...just saying.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Judo Potential

About a week ago (a day after my b-day) I made my return to San Jose (for the 4th time in a 2 year period) although I had my dull moments this time around,there was one thing that stood out that made my trip back to Nor Cal pretty awesome. It has been over 3 years since I’ve done any Judo and for one time only I made my return to train with my all-time favorite judo player Chuck Jefferson.
Not only was this a big honor but the experience caused me to stop and think about the great potential of how Judo can be a popular and  marketable sport here in the United States. Before you jump the gun let me explain what I am taking about.
In contrast with overseas countries like Japan, Russia, and Italy Judo in the United States is not that huge when in fact (from what my sensei told me) it is the second most practiced sport in the world next to soccer. Being that the U.S is all about coming up and promoting yourself to gain any following or support it is crucial to endorse yourself in an attractive manner to generate an audience.

Most Judo dojos now adays are ran in the old school style which consist of an old school teaching system and overall a "love it or leave it"  type of environment.The problem with this is since old heads prefer to  keep everything the way it is, it leaves no room for  growth in terms of spreading the great art of Judo and bringing in more hopefuls to experience it.
(and this is just from an academy standpoint)

In addition unlike BJJ and the "powers to be" running the ship that literally rapes the athletes out of high priced academy fees, tournament fees, no health care coverage to assist their athletes, amongst other thing. Judo is fairly cheap to train and compete in and covers for one year medical insurance (for just 50 bucks)... What I’m trying to say is these traits alone give Judo a distinct advantage over it grappling counterpart.

It terms of my visit to Chuck Jefferson's Judo it was an awesome. When I walked in and saw the layout of the facility I had to ask myself for a this the right place? (Mainly because it didn’t look like your typical judo dojo). It was kind of a dream of how i envisioned a Judo school should look like (look at pictures).Aside from the great instructions, the atmosphere had the same Judo customs and courtesies only with a fun energetic atmosphere from a great head coach and four body assistant instructor staff. Nothing more to say but Mr. Jefferson is definitely ahead of the judo game.

Hopefully other judokas are able to catch on to the formula Chuck is already doing. It would be great to see hardworking people like Taylor Takata, Nick Delpopolo, amongst other accomplished stars follow this same format and  see these people be rewarded for all their hard work they have achieved over the years but also help with the growth in the sport of Judo.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Steroids in the BJJ Community

With the past interview I did with Caio Terra and the recent bashing video I posted concerning the subject a lot of people have been asking me about my opinion on steroids in the jj community. The reason why I kept quiet about the situation is its kind of a close to home topic being that I have seen friends and childhood idols lives ruined because of it. However since I’ve been throwing jabs at the situation gonna finally speak about it.

When it comes to steroid usage in actual sports that PAY money to athletes to perform at a certain level it is quiet common and maybe even justified why a person would take steroids. It is no different from a drug dealer selling drugs to provide for his family. Yeah you are taking a risk that endangers your health and it is wrong but you are doing what you have to do to make it in a world that is gradually getting worse economically by the minute.

Ex: many people have bashed pro wrestlers for steroid usage. However what u might not know is these individuals have to maintain a certain image to even be able to even being accepted as a candidate to perform on top shows like WWF or WCW. –don’t believe me- look up WWF Scandal 1992 on youtube. Another thing is athletes go through serious injuries and need a particular medicate steroid to reduce the problem to be able to continue their dreams.
Dangerously wrong yes. Justifiable Yes.

Now how do I feel about steroids in my BJJ community? Simple I think it is foolish and stupid !! and I’ll tell you why.
Let start off with a financial standpoint…..
(I looked this up) steroids cost anywhere between the price range of $ 150 to $ 300. Now let’s add that with your typical yearly gym fee of 1700 plus your tournament entry (Mundials) of 150. If you add that all together it comes out that you are spending A LOT of money just to obtain a $ 25 gold medal, a boost of ego, and a title of BJJ world champion that no one cares about in the real world and people will 4 get about in the next week or so in the bjj world…So in theory you’re paying to even make an ATTEMPT to be great in a sports that pays 0 money and makes money off of you.

It enough that the sport of jiu-jitsu is filled with ego driven, disrespectful, OSS shouting, self-centered people but to throw steroids in the mix totally takes away the intention and honor this discipline was intended for which is to better ones self ( I mean really isn’t that what being a martial artist is all about), I guess that is why this community is getting more ridiculous by the minute.
As a community and as an individual we got start focusing on developing ourselves not focus on title or 15 second glory that won’t mean shit when we die. Seriously steroids will FUCK YOU UP more than any opponent you encounter on the mat will. Your health will be affected seriously and you family will suffer because of your unfortunate stupidity.
As a martial artist focus on your growth and development of character and if you are one of those ego driven people who want some notoriety at lease obtain that goal with some fuck’n  integrity (no strings attached).
Please if you or know some1 that is doing it tell them to stop cuz it will hurt you and everyone that has to live with you death trust me I’ve seen it. Still don’t believe me check this guy out and Sad part is this guy was doing it for $$$ what r u doing it 4 absolutely NOTHING !!!