Thursday, January 19, 2012


Gonna make this blog short or at least I will try to. Just recently I did a heartfelt but amazing story on a guy name Anthony Sanza.
 ( if u havent checked out his article here it is be sure to show your support and repost

It was probably one of the most toughest and hardest articles i ever had to do not only cuz of his situation but also because it hit "close to home" in way. Thinking of this story really gets to me in a way about how much people complain unessary things in life. Why dont i have a better job, man im so nervous going into this tournament, i have so many test to study for. I dont need to say the (stop b****n) phrase, but what i will say some of the things we complain about n life is childs play compared to the pains and struggles others go through.

end this blog by saying stay positive and fight whatevere obstacle that comes in your life no matter how big or how small.